Quality Assurance

This game was made for the MetaGameJam'18 (17/03/2018 to 31/03/2018). Our objective was to create a game that reflects the experience of both doing and playing games. In it, you need to fix bugs in order to move forward. The game was made with Unity3D and assets were made with MagicaVoxel.

Team: Pierre-Antoine Cinquin (Game and Level Design, Sound, Art, User Testing), and Joan Sol Roo (Art, Game Design, and Implementation).

You can play the game HERE.

The development was a bit chaotic, as we changed the game in the middle of the game jam, from a visual text adventure to a puzzle/survival-horror game. A post-mortem can be found here: Part 1, Part 2.

The game received very positive reviews, and ranked 5th out of 113 submissions in uniqueness and quality of metaness.